We import and export goods - All kind of business welcome. We take care of all customs formalities and expenses. Contact us for more information.

In our freight forwarding service, we take care of all your business import and export needs. From large commercial shipments to small parcels, we are here to make sure your goods reach their destination safely and on time. We take care of customs clearance and charges to make your shipment as smooth as possible.

No matter what type of business you have, we're here to help you get your products there. Contact us for more information on how we can help you grow your business today.

Frequently asked questions about Brexit and customs

What impact could Brexit have on the organisation of my shipments?

Your business may anticipate all or some of the following as a result of Brexit:

  • Additional customs checks and additional documentation.

  • Additional costs.

  • Delays are currently unpredictable.

What should I keep in mind?

Keep in mind that Brexit regulations can change at any time. Here are some interesting points you can keep an eye on:

  • Changes in easements (simplifications) being offered by the UK Government.

  • You need customs guarantees or increase the amount of your current guarantee, i.e. deferment/TAN.

  • Impact of using incoterms: the terms that are most suitable for your future trading conditions, i.e. consider whether exporting or importing is still suitable for your business.

What precautions should I take to prepare my business for Brexit?

The following steps will help you minimise the potential ramifications of Brexit:

  • Review your business, if you haven't already, to understand what impact Brexit will have on your EU supply chain.

  • Keep up to date with the political situation regarding Brexit and the effects it will have.

  • Ensure that your partners provide the required information in their trade documentation to enable a correct customs declaration to be made.

  • Review your own trade documentation and ensure that it provides the required information to enable a correct customs declaration to be made.

What information about my shipments should I prepare?

To make the transport of goods as easy as possible, we recommend that you have the following information about your goods to hand:

  • VALUE OF GOODS: the value of goods is necessary to determine the level of customs duties applicable. This value is also used for trade statistics. You can determine the value of your goods using one of six "methods". It is important to note that you must try method 1 before moving on to method 2, and so on. Method 1 is based on the transaction value. This is the price paid or payable by the buyer to the seller for the goods when they are sold for export according to specific rules. These rules, along with the other valuation methods, can be found on the UK Government website (

  • PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED GOODS: Prohibited goods are not allowed to be imported into the countries. Restricted goods will require a special license for import. Licenses are often required for the import and export of military and paramilitary goods, dual-use and technology goods, works of art, plants and animals, medicines and chemicals. For more information, see the current guide on prohibited and restricted goods, import and export licensing on your local customs or government website.

  • ORIGIN OF GOODS: Establishing the origin of goods will help identify whether they qualify for lower or zero duty. There are two categories of originating goods in the rules: "goods wholly obtained or produced in a single country" and "chemical products whose production involved raw materials from more than one country".

Where can I get more information about Brexit?

For more information about Brexit, you can visit the following pages:

  • Citizenship:

  • Travel:

  • Freight from Europe to the UK:

  • Freight from UK to Europe:

  • New updates on Brexit: